Meet Reel Works Outreach Coordinator Mara Sheban

Mara Sheban recently joined the Reel Works team in the new role of Outreach Coordinator. She will be working in conjunction with the Education Department and the MediaMKRS program to manage all volunteers including, mentors, guest speakers, master classes, and more. Additionally, she will relaunch the Reel Impact workshop, where she will support students in building visibility and increasing the social impact of their films.

Mara Sheban (left) and Vanessa Gonzalez (right) at the Reel Works 2020 Doc Lab Screening.

Mara enters this role shortly after a move from Chicago, where she worked for Kindling Group, a non-profit documentary film studio, managing impact campaigns for their feature-length films and digital series. During her years in Chicago, she helped communities around the country organize screening events to engage local stakeholders. Mara is passionate about forging working relationships where all parties are uplifted while working towards mutually beneficial goals.

Outside of her work, Mara enjoys the things many New York City residents do - exploring neighborhoods, viewing art, and trying new food. Above all, she adores her family and still calls her dad when faced with an unfamiliar car sound. 

“As the youngest of three, I grew up a natural observer. I watched my siblings closely- the games they liked to play, the way they spoke to adults, and most difficult to pinpoint; what made them laugh. Before I could tell a halfway decent joke or hold eye contact for more than a few seconds, I would put a camera to my face to observe people as if spying through a keyhole. 

The camera provided a safe veil to experience the world through, and my fascination with people was first expressed through images I made of family and friends. Every student at Reel Works is here for reasons personal to them, and the opportunity to support them as they refine their skills is a unique honor.”

If you are interested in mentoring the next generation of young filmmakers, please contact Mara Sheban


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