The Reel Works Fellows Graduation Presentation

The 2018 Reel Works Fellows’ screening and presentation was held on January 14, 2019, and was hosted by Viacom at their conference center.  Six students presented capstone projects which coincided with their intended track. Watch the Event Recap here. 

Fellows.png2018 Reel Works Fellow

  • Brianna Abdullah, Director Fellow
  • Camryn Mina, Director Fellow
  • Ian Chen, Cinematographer Fellow
  • Mason Cummings, Screenwriting Fellow
  • Javon Peters, Editing Fellow
  • Devin Halbal, Producing Fellow

Reel Works Fellows is an intensive, year-long program for serious young filmmakers who are ready to commit to a primary discipline of screenwriting, directing, editing, producing, or cinematography.   Each Fellow is matched with a professional mentor as they deepen their understanding of their chosen craft. Upon graduation, Fellows have completed a paid internship, built a portfolio of original work, and developed a personal education and career plan. The 2018 Fellows was led by Filmmaker-in-Residence Elegance Bratton. The Reel Works Fellows is made possible through the generous support of The Pierre and Tana Matisse Foundation.

screenshot2019-01-25at3.23.58pmAlessandra Carnielli, Executive Director and Lisa Gutting, Senior Arts Education Program Officer from The Pierre and Tana Matisse Foundation.

Brianna Abdullah, Director Fellow and director of Senior Night shared her passion for directing stories. She feels that stories can make an impact on people’s lives: “For most of the films that I direct, I focus on making sure that the character is evolving and moving past a situation or a relationship that's holding them back. Often times, we’re scared to tell the person how we really feel but with visuals, we can achieve it.”

screenshot2019-01-25at3.22.46pmCamryn Mina, Director Fellow, Directed One Bite

The mentorship component of the Fellows program was key to the program's success. Ian Chen, Cinematographer Fellow shares his experience: “As the Fellows began to move into the production, I was introduced to cinematographer Tom Richmond, my mentor. Tom truly introduced me to the responsibilities and roles that a DP carries. Composition, continuity, lighting, grip -- he showed me the basics of it all and became an integral resource for the Fellows, especially during our first shoot of the year, set on an East Village rooftop during a raining thunderstorm.”

screenshot2019-01-25at3.37.16pmBrianna Abdhullah, Director Fellow and Ian Chen, Cinematographer Fellow

Screenwriting Fellow Mason Cummings shared, “Under the direction of Elegance Bratton (the creator of My House) I learned an immense amount about screenwriting, lighting for film, symbolism & intention and what makes good film making.” Producing Fellow, Devin Halbal was the Productions Intern for Shruti Ganguly at Honto88. She also shadowed Patrick Harrison and Roger Mancusi at the Academy of Motion Picture of Arts. Devin produced the student films One Bite and Senior Night.The Fellows also shared their short and long-term plans. Javon Peters, Editing Fellow, hopes to learn Avid, Adobe After Effects, and master premiere with the goal of being a post PA in the next half year. Camryn Mina, Director Fellow and Director of One Bite shares that she wants to be on a major motion set directing her own film in 6 years.screenshot2019-01-25at3.19.30pm


Movie of the Week: "Senior Night" by the 2018 Reel Works Fellows


Movie of the Week: "One Bite" by the 2018 Reel Works Fellows