Reel Works Female Filmmakers at Oath’s MAKERS and RYOT Studios

Last month, Oath hosted five female filmmakers from Reel Works for a series of tours and workshops with MAKERS and RYOT Studios. This group previously filmed content for Oath’s NewFronts event last May where they shared the stage with Jamie Foxx. The first stop on the tour was being in-audience members for a live taping of Oath’s BUILD Series NYC. Guest songwriter and Broadway Actress Shoshana Bean discussed her career, 90s jams, and took questions for the audience, including a question from our very own Crystal del Valle. Watch Crystal ask Bean about her breakthrough moment. Following the taping, the filmmakers got a behind the scenes look at the studio behind BUILD, and how it all comes together. “My favorite part of the experience was getting to see how the interviewer had to get through a conversation with the guest,” said Kayla Scott. “Being personable, but also juggling the time frame (with an actual clock ticking down the seconds), the control room talking in their ear, and the producers signaling to everyone behind the camera.”The girls snagged a quick photo on the set, before making their way up Broadway to the Oath office.The filmmakers met with MAKERS for a workshop on interviewing. Our filmmakers watched MAKERS pieces and discussed with senior producers on how the interview was conducted to capture the story and emotional arc. The filmmakers were able to gain new insight to a process these documentarians were familiar with.“I’ve interviewed people before, but it just gives us a deeper look and fixes conversational tendencies,” said Hillary Safadi. “I think of myself as a people person, but I feel like learning the art of interviewing really helped me out.”The day concluded with “The Power of Storytelling Workshop” with RYOT Studio, which included improvisational exercises that reflected a hero’s journey. Our partnership with Oath has allowed us to give unique opportunities to female filmmakers at Reel Works to learn from top producers. These experiences help further them into their career and it's something that they truly value. Zahra Khan shared, “It’s a great feeling to know that behind companies like Oath, there are women willing to give opportunity [and] teach other young women.”


Reel Works Filmmakers at Photoville 2018


Reel Works 2018 Gala: Celebrating Champions of Diversity