Movie of the Week: Chrysalis

crystal-youtube-1.jpg Chrysalis by Crystal del Valle “I tried everything to fix her. I tried everything to fix him. So I began to let go. I realized that I was in control of one thing though - my life. I used my pain and turned it into power.” Chrysalis by Crystal del Valle (Mentor: Rebekah Hernandez) is a documentary film following the transformation of a young girl who begins life as a victim to emerge as a survivor and artist. Crystal shares, “My experience at Reel Works has shaped me as a person in so many ways. Not only has the Reel Works community taught me the skills I need in order to create a film, but they also given me the ability to heal through the art of filmmaking by creating a safe zone for me. For that I am eternally grateful. I can now label myself as a filmmaker!” Reel Works presents “Movie of the Week” to showcase the exemplary films made by our young filmmakers. If you’d like to nominate a Reel Works Lab or Narrative Lab film for Movie of the Week, please contact us at


Movie of the Week: Live With It


Alumni Thanksgiving Party