Movie of the Week: Live With It

chantha-youtube.jpg Live With It by Chantha Srown Bracero“It wasn’t the best feeling, sleeping in others people's homes, always wondering where you’re going to sleep for the night, what you’re going to eat that day, if you can eat.”“Live With It” by Chantha Srown Bracero (Mentor: Max Gardner) is a tale of family struggling to survive the harsh terms of reality when the father is incarcerated. Chantha shared how being in the Lab helped him find his interest: “After the Fall Documentary Lab, I was certain I wanted to go into the film industry. I'm currently looking into colleges related to the film industry along with internships for my specific interests.”Reel Works presents “Movie of the Week” to showcase the exemplary films made by our young filmmakers. If you’d like to nominate a Reel Works Lab or Narrative Lab film for Movie of the Week, please contact us at


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