Alumni Thanksgiving Party

In celebration of our amazing former students who participated in our recent survey of Reel Works grads from as far back as 2001 - about 50 alumni joined our Thanksgiving Party last Thursday.

We welcomed members of our entire community - students, alumni, mentors, staff and board - to our office in Gowanus, Brooklyn. We were thrilled to see so many of our community members from all corners of Reel Works gathered together.
The night concluded with a camera raffle and movie ticket raffles. Congrats to all our winners!
The alumni survey helped us discover really exciting news like...
  • 52% currently work in media and entertainment
  • 83% said that Reel Works positively impacted your career decisions.
  • 76% returned to visit us since graduating

This holiday season, we are grateful to all of our alumni and the work they've been doing since graduating our programs.


Movie of the Week: Chrysalis


National Park Diaries Screening at Made in NY Media Center