Reel Works Productions Thanks USA Leadership Corps!

Stephanie Walter, Artistic Director, (left) with Eugene Gold (right) of USA Leadership Corp.Over the past few years, Reel Works Productions has grown rapidly producing original works for clients as diverse as PBS, Hasbro, American Express, CUNY and the Manhattan District Attorney's Office.   Under the leadership of Reel Works Co-Founder & Artistic Director Stephanie Walter Williams and Associate Producer Ryan Rivard, we've trained dozens of youth producers and earned income that has helped keep all our programs open and free to NYC teens.  But we have a much bigger vision and this year we set out to create a business plan to make it a reality.Over the last four months, Reel Works Productions has worked in collaboration with Eugene Gold of USA Leadership Corp on creating a plan to grow clients, revenue and train  more filmmakers.Eugene taught us business terms that are unfamiliar to most filmmakers  -  like aggregate planning - and made them a little less frightening to us.   We studied our client base - talked about our strengths as a company and created new strategies to grow our business and serve our mission.  More importantly, we discussed the building blocks for our future, which is to become a full-scale production company that collaborates with a variety of clients on innovative storytelling while training tomorrow's filmmakers.Our plan can be boiled down to three main goals (which you see above on our inspirational board):

  1. Add 7 new BIG clients.
  2. Raise $200,000 in new business from new and existing clients.
  3. Reach 100% in customer satisfaction by helping clients achieve their goals and delivering great experience.

Special thank you and congrats to Eugene who just graduated with a MBA!Have a story you'd like to tell? Reach out to Reel Works Artistic Director Stephanie Walter at stephanie[at] to discuss your next project.


Labber of the Month: Luckny Jacques


Meet our new Chair, Dave Bernath!