Labber of the Month: Luckny Jacques


Our February honoree is Lucky Jacques, alumnus of Fall Lab 2012, Reel Works Productions, and Peer Mentor for the current Fall Lab.

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Luckny Jacques is a leader at Reel Works. He joined The Lab in the Fall 2012 lab where he produced his documentary  It's More than Dancing - a moving, profile of two street dancers - and a subtly complex meditation on his own personal struggles to succeed.Growing up in Canarsie, Luckny has seen too many of his friends get drawn to the streets - and too few people who make it out. He nearly didn't make it out himself. "Before I came to Reel Works, I was just like a lazy kid, not participating in school, on the streets, gang banging," he recalls. "When Reel Works came to my school, it was like God telling me this is for you, this is what you need."392Since completing The Lab, Luckny has become a mentor to new students, a youth producer at Reel Works Productions and is now in the Master Lab producing his first narrative film.Last November, Luckny was chosen as one of seven Reel Works teens to be guests of First Lady Michelle Obama at the White House Careers In Film Symposium. "Going to the White House was amazing. I got to see Michelle Obama. My first impression was she looked really beautiful. She told us to stay in school and get our education. It was great learning other actors, directors and producers that they made mistakes in life too - even though they are successful, they still days when they doubt themselves. I feel I was meant to be there. My film got me there."Luckny's talent and determination is going to take him far. We're so lucky to have him in our community. And that's why Luckny Jacques is our Labber of the Month!This profile was produced by Reel Works Productions students Mitchell Davis and Stephanie Cherng. Watch the profile above and Luckny's documentary below:

It's More than Dancing by Luckny Jacques

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Next week, Master Lab Premiere at BAM Fisher


Reel Works Productions Thanks USA Leadership Corps!