Junior Advisory Board is in SESSION!


The Junior Advisory Board (JAB) has been meeting every Saturday to come up with different ways to better Reel Works. Together, the nine Reel Works alums brainstormed, coming up with many different fundraising campaigns and fun events for the summer. JAB's purpose this summer is to do as much outreaching as possible to spread the word about Reel Works.To get this summer started, JAB will be hosting Reel Works' first ever PROM. Yes, you read that correctly... PROM. It'll be taking place at the Reel Works office on Friday, June 28th. The theme will be Hollywood featuring a taco bar. JAB separated into three different committees to make this event possible and are all extremely excited to see how it turns out.During the last saturday meeting, JAB officials were elected. A president, secretary, treasurer, two activities, and two outreach officials were elected. They'll all be working together to create organized events.This summer JAB events, from monthly parties to filmmaking workshops, are taking Reel Works above and beyond. These are events that you will not want to miss. Stay tuned for more!


Reel PROM!


I'm "On My Way" and it's a trip of a life time!