Reel PROM!


Last Friday, June 28, the Junior Advisory Board hosted Reel Works' first ever prom! It was Hollywood themed and featured a delicious taco bar. JAB began planning for the Reel Prom in the beginning of June, working non-stop until the day of the event.With over 65 guests, our office was filled with complete joy! We were extremely happy to see a variety of different Reel Works students. Students from the upcoming Summer Lab and even alumni from 2005 and 2007 were in attendance!JAB did a great job entertaining the guests and making sure the dance floor was never dull. They created a judge-free zone, reassuring that everyone felt so comfortable that even the wallflowers began to dance!Reel Prom was a huge success! A lot of laughs were shared, new friendships were made, and new dances were learned.Reel Prom was JAB's kickoff event for this eventful summer. JAB will be hosting several events throughout the next few months in hopes of making Reel Works known and memorable. If Reel Prom was a success, can you just imagine how great the upcoming events will be?Stay tuned for our upcoming events, like our first ever LUAU at the end of July!


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Junior Advisory Board is in SESSION!