I'm "On My Way" and it's a trip of a life time!

My name is Faith Robinson and I'd like to share the story of how I came to be "On My Way". When I first heard about Reel Works two summers ago I didn't think it was something I'd be interested in, because I didn't think documentaries were that cool! But, I knew that I wanted to be a filmmaker. I didn't know how I was going to do it, or where I was going to start, but something told me that joining Reel Works would be the right thing to do, so I applied and was accepted!  I walked in to Reel Works on that first day with "shy" practically written on my forehead.  My mouth was wired shut.  I was scared to say anything because I felt that I'd say the wrong thing. My film, On My Way came alive at Reel Works and had been sitting silent in my heart for years. On My Way is about my life long dream to visit and live in California - starting with College.  At the time, my family was questioning if they wanted me to leave NYC and attend college so far and the fact that they didn't approve of my dream really hurt me inside.emandmeAfter my film was finished it was nominated for The F. John Outcalt Award and the fact that people listened, cared and truly enjoyed my story felt pretty amazing. Being acknowledged that night, in a gorgeous room of strangers at the 2012 Reel Works Gala Benefit made me feel like a real celebrity. My voice had finally been heard! One person in particular really listened, enjoyed and heard the dream I was trying to put out there so much and wanted to help turn my dream into a reality. When the amazing Emily Mortimer saw my film she was taken away by how much this dream of going to Hollywood meant to me. She loved it so much that she said "Well, we have to get you out to California, we've got to make this happen".And, here I am! Who would have thought that at this very moment I'd be in the state where dreams come true! It has only been two days so far and I've already spotted so many celebrities such as Chris Brown, Billy Zane and Jurnee Smollett. We visited Emily on the set of the HBO show called The Newsroom and I got the whole experience of being behind the scenes and learned about all the vast positions on set. Also, I got the chance to see a real Hollywood Red Carpet Premiere of True Blood!  Even though I didn't know any one on that show I still screamed my head off! We also went to Burbank Studios to see the intriguing and hilarious Jay Leno at The Tonight Show. Jamie Foxx was one of the guests and he was the highlight of the show. We ended off our day with a walk down the Hollywood Walk of Fame and finally had dinner at In-N-Out on Sunset Blvd!!!  DELICIOUS! Well thats about it.  Stay tuned to hear what other exciting things are going on out here in sunny Los Angeles!Check out some photos from the trip so far! http://www.flickr.com/photos/reelworksteens

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