Kickstarter - A SUCCESSFUL 31 Day Journey!


Kickstarter finishWOW!! What an awesome 31 day journey that was!  A few minutes ago, our first kickstarter project ended having raised 110% of our goal!  We thank you all from the very very bottom of our hearts!  We would like to send a special "Thanks" to Avan Jogia who encouraged his huge online fan community to support our teens and another "Thank you" goes to some great organizations who helped to rally support : JetSet TimesFilmmaker MagazineBrooklyn Flea and Rooftop Films to name a few.While we were always very confident in our project, and in you; that doesn’t mean that there weren’t some moments of doubt. But your love and support helped us to push even harder during those anxious moments. We are truly inspired and humbled by your generosity!  In the end, 179 amazing backers helped us raise $11,061 and are directly helping to send our youth filmmakers on the road this summer!And now, we'll start booking some rooms! If you would like to host a screening in your club, organization or community center, LET US KNOW by filling out the form below!![contact-form][contact-field label='Name' type='name' required='1'/][contact-field label='Email' type='email' required='1'/][contact-field label='Subject' type='text'/][contact-field label='Comment' type='textarea' required='1'/][/contact-form]


I'm "On My Way" and it's a trip of a life time!


WE MADE IT... Thank You!!!!