WE MADE IT... Thank You!!!!


thank you picWe have been so impressed by the outpouring of love, generosity and hard, hard work by so many of our friends & family, fellow filmmakers, educators, and so many complete strangers who believe in us and our project!THANK YOU to all of you that helped us get here!  The last few days have been absolutely amazing! We literally jumped up and down every time we received a new pledge! You want to know what that looks like?  You can find out in this video: https://vine.co/v/bEgAKnMt5nENote: Although we have already reached our funding goal, our campaign still has a FIVE DAYS before it ends and it definitely makes sense to overfund our kickstarter project! Our funding goal was set to take a small group of kids on the Traveling Film Festival with us. But we would love more of our teens to join us to show their films to peers in other cities and share what they have created. Our teen filmmakers have moving and extraordinary stories to tell about issues countless others have faced or can identify with. Besides having their voices heard, we would like them to visit other cities of our country, because many of the kids haven’t even left the five boroughs. So, with a major increase of our travel funds, we can take more kids with us to share their stories AND gain new experiences at the same time. So, if you haven't pledged your support yet, no problem! You'll still have the opportunity to donate until Wednesday, 3pm. 


Kickstarter - A SUCCESSFUL 31 Day Journey!


Kickstarter: The Finish Line Is In Sight!!