Kickstarter: The Finish Line Is In Sight!!


The last 22 days have been full of hope and fear of whether or not we will reach our goal on Kickstarter, and now we can finally see the finish line! First of all, it is time to say a big fat THANK YOU to all of you, who have already given and for those who have helped spread the word about our Kickstarter amongst your online and offline networks, again THANK YOU. In the past 24 hours alone you have pledged more than $1,100 to bring us a huge step closer to our goal. This is absolutely amazing! We literally jump up and down every time we receive a new pledge!thank you picTHE CURRENT STATUS: Our kickstarter project is 94% funded, but there is still $565 left to get the teens' stories on the road. We can make this happen — with your ongoing support! With only 7 days left, we would be thrilled to exceed our goal and be able to offer more kids a "seat on the tour bus”!  Only you can help us get there.


WE MADE IT... Thank You!!!!


Reel Works Alum & Tribeca Film Fellow Finds New Begining in Filmmaking