Movie of the Week: Pigeon-Holed

daphne-youtube.jpg by Daphne Parkhill“My generation’s new reality is that queer teenagers have more options for how to define themselves than ever before. But with that comes even more pressure to identify exactly who you are.” Through a series of interviews, Daphne Parkhill (Mentor: Meredith McGowan) takes us on an exploration of the positive and negative effects that labels have on queer youth in Pigeon-Holed.Daphne shares, “The Lab was a pretty transformative experience for me, because I learned how to go from having ideas to actually executing those ideas and bringing them to fruition. I had never created something that required that many levels of thoughtfulness and organization. I think my first experience filmmaking played on strengths I already had, like storytelling and an eye for camera shots, but also pushed me in a number of new ways by making me consider my intent and audience much more than I ever had before.”Reel Works presents “Movie of the Week” to showcase the exemplary films made by our young filmmakers. If you’d like to nominate a Reel Works Lab or Narrative Lab film for Movie of the Week, please contact us at


Movie of the Week: Beauty of The Rose


Movie of the Week: Poetry in Motion