Movie of the Week: It Starts With You

[youtube]“For anyone that is getting bullied - no matter what age, race, gender - this doesn’t define you. The words does not define you, their actions do not define you.”In It Starts With You, Destiny Blackwell (Mentor: Meredith McGowan) describes her personal experience as a victim of bullying. "This story is about my journey to becoming the person I am today after getting bullied," said Destiny, a graduate of the Spring 2016 Lab. "In my movie I talk about the different phases of my journey in the hopes of inspiring other people who have gone through similar struggles."Reel Works presents "Movie of the Week" to showcase the exemplary films made by our young filmmakers. If you'd like to nominate a Reel Works Lab or Master Lab film for Movie of the Week, please contact us at


Join us at the Brownsville Film Festival: June 15th


Movie of the Week: Trans Generation