Movie of the Week: Trans Generation

[youtube]“There is a kind of joy that comes with knowing exactly who you are, not just what people tell you that you are.”Trans Generation by Veronica Vasquez (Mentor: Davey Field) offers a look into the beauty of transgender teen lives. “The story I’m trying to tell here isn’t my own personal story, but it’s a very important story,” said Veronica, a graduate of the Spring 2016 Lab. “For me it’s not difficult waking up in the morning. I don’t have to come out to people every time I meet them. I don’t have to correct people on my pronouns or the proper name to use. I don’t have to decide what bathroom I feel safe in today. But a lot of people do.”Reel Works presents "Movie of the Week" to showcase the exemplary films made by our young filmmakers. If you'd like to nominate a Reel Works Lab or Master Lab film for Movie of the Week, please contact us at


Movie of the Week: It Starts With You


Meet James, After School Program Coordinator