Life After Reel Works: Reel Impact panel discussion!

reel impact 10:17Will Quin '05, Patricia Henry '06, Roberto Beltre '07, and Jonathan Whitehead '06, have known each other for almost ten years. Last Friday, they sat down with recent alumni students to talk about life after creating a film at Reel Works. What happens? Is it easy to continue growing as a filmmaker? How hard is it to find things like jobs, passions, sleep, faith, sanity, and a voice?When asked what their passions are, film was a definite answer, but folks also included art, music, social work, education, animals, TV, writing, and as Zach Lennon-Simon said, "good conversations" (and tacos). Dimitri '13, mentioned that he wants to help urban youth. Will nodded and found that, despite being a bit older than Dimitri, they each are working towards the same goal with youth in their communities. In the end, the old school and new school of Reel Works came together and found that they have a few things in common. For me, that was the coolest part about last Friday's talk. The goal of Reel Impact is for students to engage their passions and continue growing as artists. I'm looking forward to more open conversations, more social action, and more work towards filmmaking in the future.UP NEXT: Oct. 24th, next Friday evening, we are going to see Dear White People. Check Facebook this week for details!-Angel Evans


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