Youth Filmmakers become Peer Mentors for Technovation Challenge!

This past Sunday at Reel Works, we paired up some of our brightest peer mentors with the very innovative girls of Iridescent' Technovation Challenge for a day of Apps, video editing, and creativity! Technovation is a fantastic program dedicated to helping high school girls find a career in technology and entrepeunership funded by the Hive Learning Network and The Office of Naval Research.Each of our teen filmmakers paired up with girls from High School Hospitality Management, NYC iSchool and James Madison HS to help them create in one day, a video pitch for an App that they are designing. The workshop, which was led by Phillip B. Swift, went over the best ways to shoot their video, basic editing techniques, and how to discuss their App with excitement and creativity! Our peer mentors brainstormed for an hour with the App creators and then got right to filming their video pitches! In less than six hours, we had created five different videos that advertised a wide variety of Apps. Look out for these teens, they're going places!Visit to learn more about this project and you can view some of the finished films on the Reel Works Youtube Channel at :

2nd Documentary Screening Night: "Up Heartbreak Hill"


Successful start to the NEW "Documentary Screening Series"!