Multi-Platform Storytelling : The Buzz on Transmedia


A Brand New Pilot Project of Reel Works and Four Other HIVE MembersHIVE Digital Media Learning FundTeens today experience media across many screens and in many formats: videos, games, music and websites. They experience storytelling and communication with each other across multiple platforms and social media sites. Transmedia storytelling (also known as multiplatform storytelling) is the technique of telling a single story across multiple platforms and formats using current digital technologies.To gain more experience in this field, the Hive Digital Media Learning Fund will fund a pilot project for five of its members: Reel Works, MOUSE, WNYC Radio Rookies, The LAMP, and The New School for Social Research. Teens with skills in filmmaking, website building and storytelling collaborate to create a single storytelling experience for their peers on a social issue of their choice.The final project will be presented later this year!


Reel Works featured on Constant Contact


The Pitch at Reel Works