Studio Mechanics Boot Camp
Reel Works has officially launched our new Studio Mechanics Boot Camp - a unique partnership with the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees (I.A.T.S.E.) International, IATSE Local 52, The NYC Mayor's Office of Media and Entertainment and Netflix to train a diverse workforce for union careers in film production.
Nine participants - chosen from over 100 candidates - have begun classes in Electric Department skills taught by veteran electricians Rocco Palmieri, Kelly Britt, and Michael Gallart. Trainees will learn essential skills - from power distribution to lighting - and how to work on professional film sets. Graduates will be eligible for on-set work on union productions in NYC.
"The Studio Mechanic Boot Camp has been an amazing experience!" said trainee Jerry Yao. "[Iām becoming] a better technician by applying what we learn in the classroom lectures to the practical days where we get to be hands-on with the equipment. The proctors are awesome and teach everything from the big picture to the finer details."
A second Boot Camp for Grip Department trainees is planned for winter 2020.