2019 Summer Lab - Experimental Filmmaking

In this unique lab, students are able to dive into classic experimental films from the 20th century and equip themselves with the tools they learned when observing these masterpieces, in order to apply it to their own experimental films.Screen Shot 2019-07-30 at 3.27.42 PM-minOne of the main themes that the students are constantly considering, is how they can use film to convey their emotions to the audience. They further ponder this by comparing and contrasting how the filmmakers they observe go about doing so. Examples of these range from silent films that have sporadic depictions of colorful paint splattered on top of the actual film, to a black and white film accompanied with moving jazz that takes the viewer on a stroll through a contrastingly melancholy New York city.Screen Shot 2019-07-30 at 4.18.44 PMAfter observing all of these elements behind filmmaking, the students are released into the streets of New York, to go out and experiment themselves, as they come back to chip away at their footage while editing, much like the slow emergence of a sculpture.


Movie of the week: One Thousand by Gabriel Fanelli


Reel Impact - Viacom Presentation