Movie of the Week: Necessary Conflict

[youtube]“Finally, people had had enough. On April 20, 2016, a young woman broke the silence of Quaker Meeting and staged a walkout.”After a conflict arises at a seemingly progressive school, Monet Massac (Mentor: Shannon Deep) brings students with different perspectives together to retell the events on camera in Necessary Conflict.“Discussions we had during and after the protest were necessary for growth and learning in the community,” said Monet, a graduate of the Spring 2016 Lab, “my experience at Brooklyn Friends & this protest made me appreciate the differences of others more.”Reel Works presents "Movie of the Week" to showcase the exemplary films made by our young filmmakers. If you'd like to nominate a Reel Works Lab or Master Lab film for Movie of the Week, please contact us at


Movie of the Week: Control


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