Movie of the Week: Women in Parallel



“When I was at college I had one teacher in particular who would say ‘other teachers are training you to be the wives of doctors. I’m training you to be a doctor.’”In Women in Parallel, Gianna Gomez (Mentor: Max Gardner) explores the connections between her life and that of Sandy Warshaw-  an activist who took part in the Feminist Movement of the 60’ -  to find that problems from decades ago are still prevalent in society today.“Growing up, I would associate masculinity with power. As I grew older, I found that I could be girly and I could also be strong and independent and all these things that I am,” said Gianna, a graduate of the Spring 2016 Lab, “and I would no longer see masculinity as the only way to be powerful.”Reel Works presents "Movie of the Week" to showcase the exemplary films made by our young filmmakers. If you'd like to nominate a Reel Works Lab or Master Lab film for Movie of the Week, please contact us at 


Blue Sky's the Limit


Reel Works & AOL Empower Young Women MAKERS