Master Lab Films In Production!
By Tayana Brumaire, Master Lab 2014/2015This past weekend I shot my first narrative, and it was remarkable. Having the chance to shoot at the historical Old Stone House, working with amazing children actors, and working with a great cinematographer made it really amusing. Starting off I was really nervous and didn't know what to expect from being a first time director, but after a little time passed I started to get comfortable and was satisfied with how well the shooting was going. The actors were amazing and made little mistakes while shooting, which made the process even better.One challenge that was faced was when filming out side, many children noticed the cat puppet customs two actors were wearing, and would want to walk into the shoot to touch the cats. The kids then watched as an audience which I was really flattered by. It made me imagine after completing my film I could maybe have a big audience of children that I could share the story with. It brought so much warmth into my heart.After shooting outside this one lady walked up to me and asked about my project and I told her about Reel Works. She sweetly wished me good luck, which I'll never forget.Another thing during the shoot that was amazing was having my cinematographer Paul Bertolino along my side. He taught me some skills on using the camera which was great. I really appreciated him for volunteering his time to help shoot my film, and couldn't have done it without him.
What I like most about shooting overall was having everyone be a team player, and supporting me with my project, which I really admired and was thankful for. Having the chance to work and learn from everyone on set was a blessing, and I wouldn't change a thing.I would like to say a big thank you to everyone for a magnificent shoot, and Reel Works for giving me the opportunity to create this film. Lastly, I would like to give the biggest thank you to my mentor Belinda, for believing in my project and having so much hope in me to create. Now I really believe that dreams come true.