Labber of the Month: Emily Batista


Our April honoree is Emily Batista, Fall Lab 2011, Master Lab, Reel Works Productions youth producer, Reel Futures intern.

[vimeo 92771898 w=500 h=281]


Emily Batista joined The Lab in the Fall 2011 where she produced "My Skin" - a documentary about growing up with a rare skin disorder. She experiences bullying, shame and profound depression. Surrounded by love from her family, and friends she has been able to turn that pain into strength – as she shares with us what it’s like to live in her own skin.Since completing The Lab, Emily produced a narrative film in the Master Lab, worked as a youth producer in Reel Works Productions, and completed an internship with Steiner Studios.Her film "My Skin," continues to inspire others as one of the most viewed films on our website.This profile was produced by Reel Works Productions students Mitchell Davis and Roshanna Paul. Watch the profile above and Emily's documentary below:

My Skin

[vimeo 74145048 w=500 h=281]


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