Reel Works Friday Night Movie, Extreme by Design with Ralph King


ExtremeByDesign Reel Works Friday Night Movie’s second screening on February 28, 2014 was a huge success! Twenty-two guests filled the seats to watch Luckny Jacques’ 2012 lab film It’s More Than Dancing followed by the feature-length documentary Extreme by Design with director Ralph King in attendance.Extreme by Design documents the experience of students from Stanford University’s Institute of Design, as they create products that may save thousands of lives in Bangladesh, Indonesia and other developing countries as part of a class called Design for Extreme Affordability.[vimeo 55808962 w=500 h=281]Prior to becoming a filmmaker, director Ralph King was a reporter for the Wall Street Journal for 25 years. He shared his film and experiences with Reel Works in a Q&A after the screening.Join us this Friday, March 7, as we screen Spike Lee’s He Got Game, and introduce for the first time Clusk, a short narrative film by our very own Brianna Abdullah. Don’t miss it!


Reel Works Visits Panavision


Next week, Master Lab Premiere at BAM Fisher