It's PARTY TIME at Reel Works!

Last Thursday, Reel Works board member Jessica B. Lee and our other generous board members, hosted the #ReelSpring, Cinema Social + Cocktail Pledge Party to meet new people and gain additional support for our KICKSTARTER Campaign. It was a stylish event, located in hip downtown Brooklyn, complete with lovely wraparound terrace - perfect for one of the first beautiful nights of the Spring! Our guests enjoyed the buffet, provided by our friends at Madiba Restaurant and the killer cocktails were mixed up by the guys of Cripple Creek. In addition to all of the partying happening, we were lucky to have a separate screening room showing the 14 most recent films, which was often full up until the final hour.For the musical entertainment, we were glad to welcome two members of the Reel Works family: Mogkethi Thinane aka DJ Mega and Summer Lab 2008 alumnus spinning some tunes and Ishmael "ISH" Islam, Fall Lab 2008 alumnus and 2012 NYC Youth Poet Laureate performed two of his songs & a selected poem developed while he was a student at Urban Word NYC.Because Reel Works is about youth empowerment, we were happy to welcome seven of our alumni to attend the event and inform our guests about their films and experience at Reel Works. In the end, all guests were excited for a "Traveling Film Festival" and supported it with their donations. All in all, the party guests provided us with over $1,500 and helped us to take a huge step towards our goal.We would like to thank Jessica, the Reel Works board, the funders and everyone who made a contribution to this great party!

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Kickstarter Project: "We are half way there!"