Fall Labbers 2012 - It's Time To Say Congrats and Next Steps!!

After having celebrated the premiere of their films last week, our newest graduates had their last "official" meeting at Reel Works on Tuesday. They were awarded their Reel Works graduation certificates and afterwards, they sat together  to have a little get-together with Laurel Gwizdak, Director of Education, Trish Hicks, writing mentor,  Zach Lennon-Simon, Teaching Assistant and Lab Instructor Philip B. Swift to round off the great time they had during the Lab season with some mentors.  What's Next?  Reel Impact!  Today, we're meeting with over 20 volunteers from Viacom to help students write discussion guides, director statements and a synopsis.  They will also work together to draft a first introductory message to targeted audiences showcasing their film.

Traveling Film Festival - Kickstarter Project Launched


Introducing 14 Media Superheroes - The Fall 2012 Lab!